Religious Desertion: with itching ears they embrace myths over truth: 2 (End-Times Delusions)


The author seeks to call out and rebuke religious here cs who promote falsehood and debauchery in the church today. He also examines the worrying trend of some believers departing from the life of faith in Christ Jesus to pursue myths and philosophies of men.


The author seeks to call out and rebuke religious here cs who promote falsehood and debauchery in the church today. He also examines the worrying trend of some believers departing from the life of faith in Christ Jesus to pursue myths and philosophies of men.

Religious desertion does not imply empty pews in churches but crammed auditoriums full of unorthodox practices and traditions, wherein the people seek lies for their comfort and the leaders condescend to misrepresent the truth of the Holy Scriptures. This book aims to strengthen believers in their hope for restoration and eternal salvation. It warns of the danger of being in the church but not of God and urges an intentional reawakening of the body, soul, and spirit to “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness…” (Matthew 6:33)

This is the second book in the End-Times Delusions trilogy

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 15.24 × 0.99 × 22.86 cm

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